Apr 6, 2016

Choose Your Friends Wisely: Social Media Ethics in Claims Management and Investigations

Within the past ten years, the way people connect with one another has been completely revolutionized. Now, it is almost unfathomable to imagine a society where a person could not share relatively any information with millions of other individuals using only a few keystrokes, mouse clicks, or taps on a smartphone. The results are mixed. On the one hand, news and matters of public concern can literally travel at the speed of light to reach millions of people at once, and often without the filters and delays of traditional media outlets such as radio, television, and print. Likewise, citizen journalists have now been given a platform upon which to compete with the traditional news monopoly by providing additional viewpoints and outlets to inform the public of current events. Social media has also served to shape the geopolitical landscape of today’s world, serving as a tool for rebellion, uprising, and political discourse. See how social media has changed claims management and investigations.

Co-written by:
Evan J. Bergeron