Nov 15, 2016

Metadata into Evidence: Part 3

Scrubbing Metadata

Your metadata says a lot about you.  Some of those things you'd like to keep from opposing counsel. Scrubbing metadata is the process of removing metadata from ESI.

Certain social sites and image-sharing services automatically hide the location information and other metadata attached to the images you upload to prevent viewers from downloading the information along with the photo. Other documents like Microsoft Word and Mac Word have built in tools that allow you to "scrub" metadata from files. There are also third party programs that can be purchased to help remove metadata from other digital evidence.

Removing Metadata from Microsoft Word Files

To remove metadata from Microsoft Word files, run the internal "Document Inspector" to analyze the document for hidden information. Once the tool is finished running, a summary of elements that returned metadata will be shown. To remove these elements, select "Remove All".

Removing Metadata from Mac Word Files

By default, Mac Word removes personal information when saved, but it must be turned on.  Under Personal Settings in Preferences, click on Security. Make sure boxes "Remove Personal Information from the File on Save" and "Warn before printing, saving, or sending file that contains tracked changes or comments" are selected under Privacy Options.

Getting rid of metadata is for your own good really because it can prevent accidentally sending a client’s details with an email as metadata and keep you out of the headlines.