Real Property Dispute - Piernas v. Campiso

Mr. Quinlivan obtained a dismissal on Motion for Summary Judgment for a client who was in danger of losing thirty feet of property to her plaintiff neighbor. When a fence along their shared property line was destroyed, the previous owner of the client's property erected a temporary barbed wire fence to keep horses on the property from roaming. Because the temporary fence was erected between twenty-one to thirty feet to the north of where the old fence was located, the plaintiff neighbor alleged that the unfenced portion of the land bordering the property became hers. After Mr. Quinlivan successfully argued and secured summary judgment in favor of his client, the plaintiff neighbor appealed. Mr. Quinlivan successfully argued both the merits and procedural aspects of the case to the Court of Appeals of Mississippi. The trial court’s award of summary judgment to Mr. Quinlivan’s client was affirmed by the Court of Appeals of Mississippi. Piernas v. Campiso, 95 So.3d 723 (Miss. App. 2012).